Regular, General and ISA Sessions
INDEX of Authors, Conveners and Chairs (updated: June 23)
SCHEDULE Regular, General and ISA Sessions (updated: June 12)
Please note that this is the final schedule.
Sessions cannot be rescheduled!
(for General Sessions, please see below.)
A New Way of Making Society between Local Participation and Societal Culture: the Role of the Third Sector in Europe
Addressing Racial and Ethnic Equality through Education
Aesthetical Methods and Social Theory Session I
Aesthetical Methods and Social Theory Session II
Agent-Based Social Simulation Session I
Agent-Based Social Simulation Session II
Alienation in a Global Age ISA RC 36
Archives, Accountability, and Democracy in the Digital Age
Assessing the Global Reality of NGOS
Balancing Public and Private Roles in Care for the Elderly
Capitalism or Capitalisms in the 21st Century Session I
Capitalism or Capitalisms in the 21st Century Session II
Challenges to Human Security in South Asia
Changing Family Relations in Post-Socialist Societies Session I
Changing Family Relations in Post-Socialist Societies Session II
Civil Society and Contentious Politics Session I
Civil Society and Contentious Politics Session II
Civil Society and Contentious Politics Session III
Civil Society in Comparative Perspectives Session I
Civil Society in Comparative Perspectives Session II
Civilizations, Religions, Secularizations Session I
Civilizations, Religions, Secularizations Session II
Civilising and Decivilising Processes: Key Trends of the Twenty-First Century Session I
Civilising and Decivilising Processes: Key Trends of the Twenty-First Century Session II
Civilising and Decivilising Processes: Key Trends of the Twenty-First Century Session III
Clash of Civilizations and Return of Religions?
Comparative Area Study between Localities and Contextualities: Cases from Europe and Asia
Comparative Urban Studies: Visions and Challenges for the XXI Century
Computational and Experimental Approaches to Cooperation in Human Societies
Convergences and Divergences in Substance Use Habits
Corporate Social Responsibility and the Function of Trade Unions Session I
Corporate Social Responsibility and the Function of Trade Unions Session II
Critical Theory in the East and the West. On the Challenges of Critical Theory in Different Projects of Modernity Session I
Critical Theory in the East and the West. On the Challenges of Critical Theory in Different Projects of Modernity Session II
Continental Drift: Is the Centre of Modernity Shifting to (East) Asia)? ISA RC 35
Dalit Leadership in India
Development of Marginal Groups/Communities in South Asia in the Post-liberalisation Era Session I
Development of Marginal Groups/Communities in South Asia in the Post-liberalisation Era Session II
East Asian Values Within Global Society: Shared Value, Conflict and Risk
Education of Minorities and Immigrants
Educational Integration: Between Standards of Forms and Recognition of Achievements
Embodying Sociology: Body Technologies, Techniques, and Pedagogics Session I
Embodying Sociology: Body Technologies, Techniques, and Pedagogics Session II
Emotions and Bureaucratic Organizations
Emotions, Identities and Civic Society Session I
Emotions, Identities and Civic Society Session II
Emotions, Identities and Civic Society Session III
Emotions: Theory and Methodology
Equal Citizenship in the Multicultural Society Session I (
Equal Citizenship in the Multicultural Society Session II
Equality and Difference in a Multicultural Society - Session I
Equality and Difference in a Multicultural Society - Session II
European Religious and Political Values Re-examined within the Global Context Session I
European Religious and Political Values Re-examined within the Global Context Session II
Experimental Studies in Sociology Session I
Experimental Studies in Sociology Session II
Exploring Networks and Social Exclusion: A View from the South Session I
Exploring Networks and Social Exclusion: A View from the South Session II
First Post-Communist Era Younger Generation: Moving from the National to European and Global Contexts
Forms of Life: Governing Technological Convergences
Global and Local Professionalism: Tensions, Challenges and Implications
Globalisation and the (De-)/(Re-)Construction of Roma/Gypsy/Traveller Identities Session I
Globalisation and the (De-)/(Re-)Construction of Roma/Gypsy/Traveller Identities Session II
Globalisation and the (De-)/(Re-)Construction of Roma/Gypsy/Traveller Identities Session III
Globalisation and the (De-)/(Re-)Construction of Roma/Gypsy/Traveller Identities Session IV
Globalization and Life Course Patterns in Modern Societies - Towards Increasing Life Course Inequality?
Globalization in Contemporary Societies Session I
Globalization in Contemporary Societies Session II
Health and Mortality in the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe ISA RC 15
Human Security and Human Rights
Imperial Democracy in the Third World: Past in the Present
Inquiries in the Sociology of Morality: Past, Present, and Future
Integration of Eastern Europe with the European Union: Sociological Aspects, Theoretical Approaches
Intellectuals, Religion, and the Public Sphere in Europe and the US
International Civil Society: Human Rights, International Non-Governmental Organizations and Valorized Diversity
International Mobility of the Highly-skilled: Global Trends, Local Impacts
Is Another Sociology Possible? ISA RC 36
Jewish Diasporas in the Contemporary World: New Migrations, New Minorities, Memories and Counter-Memories
Learning, Knowledge and Competences: From the Local to the Global Session I
Learning, Knowledge and Competences: From the Local to the Global Session II
Medical Services in Transition: Searching for Sustainability
Methodological Cosmopolitanism and Its Critics
Migration and Globalization in Eastern Europe since the 1980s
Migration, Cosmopolitanism and Identity: Exploring Impacts of Temporary Labor Migration
Modernities and Post-modernities in East Asia
Multiple Cosmopolitanisms: Intersections of Globalization, Transnationalism and the Nation-State
Nationalism in a Post National World Session I ISA RC 36
Nationalism in a Post National World Session II ISA RC 36
New Ways in the History of Sociology and Other Social Sciences ISA RC 08
People in Their Social and Economic Context Session I
People in Their Social and Economic Context Session II
Post-Colonialism, Multiple Modernities and Historical-Comparative Sociology ISA TG 02
Postcommunist Capitalism(s)
Post-Communist Reconstruction in Central and Eastern Europe: The Second Decade Session I
Post-Communist Reconstruction in Central and Eastern Europe: The Second Decade Session II
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the Globalization of Medical Knowledge
Practices of Justification, Practices of Resistance
Psychosociology: Sociological Perspectives on Mental Health Session I
Psychosociology: Sociological Perspectives on Mental Health Session II
(Re-)Asserting Collective Memory in a Global Age
Registration and Control Elements for a Kerberology
Re-Imagining Praxis: Legacies and Changing Constellations
Scale, Space, and Place in East Asian Development
Schooling, Complex Justice and Human Rights in a "Glocalism" Age
Science, Technology, and Social Justice; Access to Scientific and Technical Knowledge and Inequality; Science, Technology and Global Inequality
Semiotics of Verbal and Non-verbal Behaviour in Global Context
Social and Environmental Accountability: Delivering Results Through Civil Societies for Risk Management
Social Identity as Underpinning the European Union Project?
Social Mechanisms and Analytical Sociology Session I
Social Mechanisms and Analytical Sociology Session II
Social Trust from Comparative Perspectives
Sociological Approaches of Cultural Labour and Creative Work Session I
Sociological Approaches of Cultural Labour and Creative Work Session II
Sociology of Islam: An Inventory
Sociology of Mass Communication: The Role of the Media in the International Context
Sociology of Money, Credit and Banking Session I
Sociology of Money, Credit and Banking Session II
Sociology of the Holocaust
Social-Psychology: Past, Present, and Future ISA RC 51
Sustainable Society/Development in a Glocalized World
The Dialectics of Discrimination in the Twenty First Century
The Family in the 21st Century Session I
The Family in the 21st Century Session II
The Global and The Local: Doing Sociology in the Light of Global Ethnography
The Politics of Comparison
The Politics of Proximity: Mobility/Immobility in Practice Session I
The Politics of Proximity: Mobility/Immobility in Practice Session II
The Politics of Science: Cultural Understandings of Risk and Health Policy
The Role of the Religion in Peace and Conflict in the Balkan Region Viewed thru the Context of the Processes of Globalism and Localism
The Social Making of Health Disparities
The Sociology of Suicide in an Indian Context
Transcultural Encounters in the Context of Globalization: Problems and Possibilities
Transnational Culture, Local Culture: Interaction, Adaptation, Resistance Session I
Transnational Culture, Local Culture: Interaction, Adaptation, Resistance Session II
Two-way Glocalization Effects of Immigrants' Integration Into Host- and Their Transnational Engagements in Home-Societies: Towards the Incorporation of the Study of (Im)Migration into the Mainstream Social Science Research Agenda
Universal Social Knowledge and National Sociologies Session I
Universal Social Knowledge and National Sociologies Session II
Violence: Is It Possible to Connect the Local to an Universal Perspective of Analysis?
Welfare Attitudes in a Comparative Perspective
Whistleblowing, Organisational Citizenship and Trust
World of Manga and Manga in the World: The Japanese Pop Culture as a Global Phenomenon
World Society, Multiple Modernities and Civilizational Analysis ISA TG 02
Age, Time, and Subjectivity
CHAIR: Balazs Vedres (Central European University, Budapest)
Faizunnisa, Azeema (University of Hawaii, Honolulu) - Preparing the Future of Pakistan: A Study on Time Use Patterns of Pakistani Youth
Formadi, Kati (University of Pannonia) - Work and Private Life in Rural Tourism
Knottnerus, David and Jason S. Ulsperger (Oklahoma State University, Stillwater; Arkansas Tech University, Russellville) - Elder care and Bureaucratic Rituals of Neglect
Sappington, Rodney (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD) - Risk and Self-Care on the Internet
Globalization and the Regulation of the Social
CHAIR: Daniel Monterescu (Central European University, Budapest)
Kiser, Edgar and Eric Gleave (University of Washington) - Norms of War: An Institutionalist Account
Lalaki, Despina (New York University, New School for Social Research) - Democracy, the New World Order and Classical Scholarship
Martin, George (Montclair State University) - A Social-Ecological Consideration of Urban Climate Change Policy Development
Mizukami, Tetsuo (Rikkyo University, Tokyo) - A Civic Movement Assisting in the Settlement of Foreigners in Japan
Migration and Multiculturalism
CHAIR: Vlad Naumescu (Central European University, Budapest)
Acton, Thomas (University of Greenwich) - Universalising Religious and Cultural Particularisms: The Effects of Renewed International Migration on the Engagement of Gypsies/Roma/Travellers with World Religions Since 1989
Bhasi, Sudheesh (Macquarie University) - Faith and Social Capital: Exploring Religious Influence among Indian Immigrants in Multicultural Australia
Mookheree, Harsha N. (Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville) - A Comparative Study of the American Values in the Context of Globalization: A Cross-Cultural Study of the University Students of West Bengal (India), Cairo (Egypt) and Tennessee (USA)
Shim, Young-Hee (Hanyang University, Seoul) - "Mutual Adaption" among Internationally Married Couples in Korea: Focusing on the Effect of Visiting Migrant Women's Families
Social Imagination and Social Theory
CHAIR: Alexandra Kowalski (Central European University, Budapest)
Ashmore, Malcolm and Olga Restrepo (Loughbourough University; Universidad National de Colombia, Bogotα) - Creationism 'Is not Science' but Intelligent Design 'Is Religion': From Demarcation Criteria to Rhetorical Analysis in the US Evolution Trials
Halewood, Michael (University of Essex) -The Materiality and Sociality of the Body in 21st Century Sociology. Irigaray and Whitehead on Overcoming the Natural-Social Divide
Larana, Enrique (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) - Risks, Frames, and Emotions in the Emergence of Contemporary Movements