Andreas Eckert

Guest of the Principal, SCAS.
Professor and Chair of African History, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Director, Käte Hamburger Kolleg ‘Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History’, Berlin

Andreas Eckert holds an MA and a Ph.D. in History from Universität Hamburg (1995) and a
habilitation in Modern History from the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2002). Between 1995
and 2002, he was Assistant Professor at the Institute for Asian and African Studies at the
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and a Research Fellow at the Center for Modern Oriental Studies
in Berlin. Between 2002 and 2007, he was Professor of Modern History with a focus on Africa
at Universität Hamburg. In 2007, he took over the chair of African History at the Humboldt-
Universität zu Berlin. Since 2009, he has also been Director of the Käte Hamburger Kolleg ‘Work
and Human Lifecycle in Global History’, an international research center funded by the Federal
Ministry of Education and Research. He has held visiting posts and fellowships at the Fondation
Maison des sciences de l’homme in Paris, Indiana University Bloomington, Harvard University, the
University of Michigan–Ann Arbor, Université de Genève, the École des hautes études en sciences
sociales in Paris and the Institut d’études avancées de Nantes.

Eckert has written the following books: Die Duala und die Kolonialmächte: eine Untersuchung zu
Widerstand, Protest und Protonationalismus in Kamerun vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg
(1991); Grundbesitz,
Landkonflikte und kolonialer Wandel: Douala 1880–1960
(1999); Kolonialismus (2006); Herrschen
und Verwalten: Afrikanische Bürokraten, staatliche Ordnung und Politik in Tansania, 1920-1970

Eckert is Chairperson of the Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien and of the Arbeitkreis für
Moderne Sozialgeschichte. He regularly publishes in German newspapers and weeklies, e.g. Frankfurter
Allgemeine and Die ZEIT.

At SCAS, Eckert will work on a book tentatively entitled ‘The History of Work in Africa in a Global

This information is accurate as of the academic year 2016-17.