SCAS News - 16 October, 2014
Former SCAS Fellow Ash Amin Receives Honorary Doctorate from Uppsala University
Professor Ash Amin, who was a Fellow in residence at the Swedish Collegium both in the spring of 1999
and in the spring of 2011, has today been named honarary doctor at the Faculty of Social Sciences at
Ash Amin is the holder of the 1931 Chair in Geography and a Fellow of Christ's College at the University
Cambridge. He is known for his work on the geographies of modern living: cities and regions as
constituted; globalisation as everyday process; the economy as cultural entity; race and multiculture as a
hybrid of biopolitics and vernacular practices. He is currently working on cultures of calamity, on the
contemporary urban condition, and on the rights of the poor. Among his recent publications are Land of
Strangers (Polity Press, 2012) and Arts of the Political: New Openings for the Left (with Nigel Thrift,
Duke University Press, 2013).
Ash Amin is a Member of SCAS' Pro Futura Scientia Selection Committee.
The honorary doctorate will be awarded at the Uppsala University Degree Conferment Ceremony in January 2015.
The announcement from Uppsala University (in Swedish)
Read more about Ash Amin