SCAS News - 20 October, 2016

Medicine and the Seven Deadly Sins in the New Book by Pro Futura Fellow Virginia Langum

Virginia Langum's new monograph Medicine and the Seven Deadly Sins in Late Medieval Literature
and Culture
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), has recently appeared. Langum worked on the book during
her time in residence at the Collegium in the academic year 2014-15 and the autumn of 2015.

In addition to being a Pro Futura Scientia Fellow at SCAS, she is Associate Professor of English
Literature at Umeå University. She was admitted to the Pro Futura programme in 2013.

'This book considers how scientists, theologians, priests, and poets approached the relationship of
the human body and ethics in the later Middle Ages. Is medicine merely a metaphor for sin? Or can
certain kinds of bodies physiologically dispose people to be angry, sad, or greedy? If so, then is it
their fault? Virginia Langum offers an account of the medical imagery used to describe feelings and
actions in religious and literary contexts, referencing a variety of behavioral discussions within medical
contexts. The study draws upon medical and theological writing for its philosophical basis, and upon
more popular works of religion, as well as poetry, to show how these themes were articulated, explored,
and questioned more widely in medieval culture'.

Read more about the book
Read more about Virginia Langum