SCAS News - 23 February, 2016

The Young Academy of Sweden Has Visited the Collegium

On 11 February the Swedish Collegium hosted a full-day meeting of the Young Academy of Sweden. The
meeting was part of the Academy's two-day visit to Uppsala, which was its first “Academy meeting” of the
year. Approximately 40 members and invited speakers and guests spent the first day of the meeting at the
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and the second and final day at Collegium. This was the second
time that the Young Academy visited SCAS; the Collegium also hosted the entire two-day Academy meeting
held in November 2012.

The Young Academy of Sweden is an independent, cross-disciplinary forum for the most promising young
researchers in Sweden. It was founded in 2011 on the initiative of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Among the members of the Academy are current SCAS Pro Futura Scientia Fellows Virginia Langum and
Jonas Olofsson as well as former Pro Futura scholars Gustaf Arrhenius, Ericka Johnson and Christer

Read more about the Academy meeting (in Swedish) >>
Read more about the Young Academy of Sweden