SCAS News - 11 April, 2017

The J.V. Snellman Prize has been Conferred upon SCAS Fellow Minna Huotilainen

The J.V. Snellman Prize 2017 has been conferred upon current SCAS Fellow Minna Huotilainen
by the University of Helsinki. The prize is awarded annually in acknowledgement of meritorious
dissemination of scientific knowledge and of efforts contributing to the promotion of the scientific
work carried out at the university. Huotilainen was presented with the award at a ceremony in
Helsinki on the 24th of March.

Minna Huotilainen is an Erik Allardt Fellow at the Swedish Collegium during the academic year
2016-17. She is Docent of Cognitive Science at University of Helsinki, and a Research Leader at
the University of Turku.

Read more about the J.V. Snellman Prize >> (in Swedish)

Read more about Minna Huotilainen >>