Photo credits:
Sarah Thorén

SCAS News - 17 January, 2019

SCAS Fellow Tomasz Gralak Receives Prize for His Recent Book

Current SCAS Fellow Tomasz Gralak has been awarded "The Prize of the Prime Minister of Poland
for highly-rated scientific achievements on the basis of the postdoctoral degree (habilitation)" (Nagroda
prezesa rady ministrów za wysoko ocenione osiągnięcia, będące podstawą nadania stopnia doktora
habilitowanego). He received the award for his recent book Architecture, Style and Structure in the
Early Iron Age in Central Europe
(Wrocław, 2017) and it was presented in the office of the Prime
Minister in Warsaw on 19 December, 2018.

Tomasz Gralak is Assistant Professor of Archaeology at the University of Wrocław and, in the academic
year 2018-19, a Johan Peter Falck Fellow at the Swedish Collegium.

Read more about Tomasz Gralak >>