SCAS News - 11 September, 2019

News from the SCAS Community: Publications

Publications by Fellows of the SCAS community appear regularly. Some of them have been initiated, worked
on and/or finished by Fellows during their time in residence at the Collegium, whereas others don't have a specific connection to the Collegium but nevertheless are the result of hard work by a current or former Fellow. Below
you will find some of the recent publications available.

Worlds of Natural History
Helen Anne Curry (with Nicholas Jardine, James Secord and Emma Spary, eds.)
(Cambridge University Press, 2018)

Helen Anne Curry is a SCAS Pro Futura Scientia Fellow. She was in residence
in the academic year 2017-18.

L'Expérience des Frontières et les Littératures de l’Europe Médiévale
Sofia Lodén (with Vanessa Obry, eds.)
(Honoré Champion, 2019)

Sofia Lodén is a SCAS Pro Futura Scientia Fellow. She was in residence at the
Collegium in the academic year 2018-19.

European Small States and the Role of Consuls in the Age of Empire
Aryo Makko
(Brill, forthcoming 2019)

Aryo Makko is a SCAS Pro Futura Scientia Fellow and was in residence at the
Collegium in the academic year 2017-18.

Setting Health-Care Priorities: What Ethical Theories Tell Us
Torbjörn Tännsjö
(Oxford University Press, 2019)

Torbjörn Tännsjö was a Fellow at SCAS in the autumn semesters of 2008 and
2015. He worked on this book during his most recent time in residence.