Photo credits:
Stewen Quigley

SCAS News - 6 November, 2020

Christina Garsten Elected Member of the Royal Society of Sciences at Uppsala

SCAS Principal Christina Garsten has been elected Ordinary Member of the Royal Society of Sciences
at Uppsala. She joins the Engineering-Economy Class.

The Royal Society of Sciences at Uppsala, founded in 1710, is Sweden’s oldest learned society. The
Society is divided into four classes: the Physical-Mathematical, Biology-Medicine, History-Archaeology,
and Engineering-Economy classes. As a scholarly network embracing a wide range of academic fields,
and with a broad age distribution among its members, the Society aims at forming an important bridge
across both disciplines and generations. Previous members include e.g. Anders Celsius, Carl Linnaeus,
and Emmanuel Swedenborg.

In 2018, Garsten was awarded the Thuréus Prize by the Society. She received the prize for her eminent
research within the fields of organizational anthropology.

Read more about Christina Garsten >>

Read more about the Royal Society of Sciences at Uppsala (Kungl. Vetenskaps-Societeten i Uppsala) >>