Photo credits:
Lars Wallin
SCAS News - 8 January, 2021
Elise Dermineur Reuterswärd Takes Up Position at Stockholm University
Current Pro Futura Scientia Fellow Elise Dermineur Reuterswärd has taken up a position as
Professor of Economic History at Stockholm University. Between 2016-2020, she was Associate Pro-
fessor of
Early Modern History at Umeå University.
Dermineur was admitted to the Pro Futura Scientia IX programme in 2014, and was in residence at
SCAS in the academic year 2015-16 as well as in the spring of 2017.
As a Pro Futura Scientia Fellow,
she is currently revising a book manuscript tentatively titled Banking
Before Banks, dealing with early
financial markets. She is also revisiting the concept of the moral economy
in modern societies.
Read more about Elise Dermineur Reuterswärd >>