Publications: Chapters

Mikkel Flyverbom; Paul M. Leonardi; Nitzan Navick. 2024. "Digital Forensics : A Guide to Conducting
Qualitative Research on Organizational Communication and Digital Technology". In: The Sage Handbook
of Qualitative Research in Organizational Communication
. ed. /Boris H. J. M. Brummans; Bryan C.
Taylor; Anu Sivunen. London : SAGE Publications, p. 587-606

- Garsten, Christina and Adrienne Sörbom. 2021. Future by design: Seductive technologies of anticipation
within the Future Industry, in Futures, Sandra Kemp and Jenny Andersson, eds. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.

- Holmes, Douglas R. 2021. ‘Money Troubles: Designing a Bridge to the Ephemera of Expectations,’ 
Designs and Anthropologies, Keith M. Murphy & Eitan Wilf (eds.) Santa Fe: School of American
Research Press.

-  Holmes, Douglas R. and George E. Marcus. 2021. How Do We Collaborate: An updated Manifesto,
 Collaborative Anthropology Today: A Collection of Exceptions, Dominic Boyer and George Marcus
(eds.) Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

- Andersson, J. 2019. The future boardgame, in Futures, a Reader, J. Andersson and S. Kemp, eds. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.

- Flyverbom, M. and H. Hansen. 2019. Policing and Anticipatory Transparency: On Digital Transformations,
Proactive Governance and Logics of Temporality, in Der Transparenz-Imperativ, August V., Osrecki F., eds.
Springer VS, Wiesbaden.

- Garsten, C. and A. Sörbom. 2019. Future by design: Seductive technologies of anticipation within the future
industry, in Futures, a Reader, Andersson, J. and S. Kemp, eds, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

- Garsten, Christina. 2019. Förförande framtider: antropologiska perspektiv på global styrning, in Om Bo
Rothstein – forskaren, debattören, livsnjutaren
, Engström, Sven & Hort, Sven, eds. Arkiv Förlag.

- Garsten, Christina, Bo Rothstein and Stefan Svallfors. 2018. De policyprofessionella, in Eliter i Sverige,
Eriksson, Bengt-Erik, Mikael Holmqvist and Lena Sohl, eds. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

- Maguire, M. 2018. Policing future crimes, in Bodies of Evidence: Security, Knowledge and Power, Rao,
M., U. and N. Zurawski, eds. Durham: Duke University Press.

- Maguire, M. and R. Peterczek. 2018. Airports: From vital systems to nervous systems, in Routledge Hand-
book of Anthropology and the City
, Low, S. M., ed. London and New York: Routledge

- Fisher, Melissa. 2017. White corporate feminine spirituality: The rise of global professional women’s
conferences in the New Millennium, in Ethnographies of Conferences and Trade Fairs: Shaping Industries,
Creating Professionals
. Høyer Leivestad H. and A. Nyqvist, eds. New York City: Palgrave Macmillan.

- Flyverbom, Mikkel. 2017. Policy by numbers - corporate advocacy in the internet domai", in Power, Policy
and Profit: Corporate Engagement in Politics and Governance
. Garsten, C. and A. Sörbom, eds. Cheltenham,
MA: Edward Elgar.

- Garsten, C. 2017. Tinkering with knowledge: Representational practices and scaling in U.S. Think Tanks,
in Knowledge and Power in an Overheated World. Hylland Eriksen, T. and E. Schober, eds. Oslo: University
of Oslo: Department of Social Anthropology.

- Nyqvist A. 2017. Scheduled schmoozing: Notes on interludal practices at responsible investors’ conferences,
in Ethnographies of Conferences and Trade Fairs: Shaping Industries, Creating Professionals. Høyer Leivestad,
H. and A. Nyqvist, eds. Palgrave Macmillan.

- Nyqvist, A. 2017. Talking like an institutional investor: On the gentle voice of financial giants, in Power, Policy
and Profit: Corporate Engagement in Politics and Governance
. Garsten, C. and A. Sörbom, eds. Cheltenham,
MA: Edward Elgar.

- Pan, Darcy. 2017. Agents of change or status quo? The survival and development of labor NGOs in South
China, in Uncertain Times: Anthropological Approaches to Labor in a Neoliberal World, Durrenberger, P.
Boulder: University Press of Colorado

- Picard, Sébastien. 2017. Leading the war on epidemics: Exploring corporations’ predatory modus operandi
and their effects on institutional field dynamics (with V. Steyer, X. Phillipe and M. Pérezts), in Power, Policy
and Profit: Corporate Engagement in Politics and Governance
. Garsten, C. and A. Sörbom, eds. Cheltenham,
MA: Edward Elgar.

- Westbrook, David A. 2017. Reflections: Leaving flatland? Planar discourses and the search for the G-axis, in
Power, Policy and Profit: Corporate Engagement in Politics and Governance
. Garsten, C. and A. Sörbom, eds.
Cheltenham, MA: Edward Elgar.

- Westbrook, David A. 2017. Critical issues for qualitative research, in The Sage Handbook of Qualitative
, 5th ed, Denzin, N. and Y. Lincoln, eds. Sage Publications.

- Flyverbom, Mikkel. 2015. Sorting data out – unpacking big data value chains and algorithmic knowledge pro-
duction (with A.K. Madsen), in Die Gesellschaft der Daten. Über die digitale Transformation der sozialen
, Süssenguth. F., ed. Transcript Verlag: Bielefeld.

- Maguire, Mark. 2015. Questioned by machines: a cultural perspective on counter-terrorism and lie detection in
security zones, in Resisting Biopolitics: Philosophy, Politics and Performance, Wilmer, S. and A. Zukauskaite,
eds. London and New York: Routledge.

- Maguire, Mark. 2015. Migrants in the realm of experts: the migration-crime-terrorist nexus after 9-11, in The
Securitisation of Migration in the EU: Debates since 9/11
, Wadia, K. and G. Lazaridis, eds. London: Palgrave

- Maguire, Mark. 2014. Counter-terrorism in European airports, in The Anthropology of Security: Perspectives
from the Frontline of Policing, Counter-terrorism and Border Control
, eds. M. Maguire, C. Frois and N. Zurawski.
London and New York: Pluto Books.