
Visit, mail, email or phone us.

Visiting and Postal Address:
Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study
Villavägen 6c
SE-752 36 Uppsala

+46 (0)72 999 95 10

Email: (research-related questions) (general questions) (applications) (questions for the Principal)

Email addresses to members of the staff can be found here

Fellows can be contacted by email as follows: or, in the case of a double first name or surname, as follows:

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If you are interested in receiving printed and electronic information from SCAS, or electronic information only, please register here.

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How to get to the Collegium:

For a map, please see here External link, opens in new window.

On foot or by bike
The Collegium occupies the north wing of Linneanum, the large, yellow 18-century building in the middle of the Botanical Garden, and three adjacent villas. The main entrance is in Linneanum, under the arch facing Thunbergsvägen. The entrance to Thunberg Lecture Hall is located just opposite the main entrance. The walk from the railway station to the Collegium takes about 20 minutes.

By taxi or car
If you take a taxi to SCAS, tell the driver to enter the Botanical Garden at Villavägen 6. If you drive yourself, please also enter at Villavägen 6. It is possible to park near the Collegium, however a parking fee applies (via an app). In addition, some of the parking lots require a special permit. These can be requested at the SCAS reception desk.

By public transport
Several bus routes pass close to the Collegium, e.g. buses 1, 2 and 7. The nearest bus stops are Slottsbacken and Blåsenhus. Please see the timetables at External link, opens in new window.