Accessibility Report:

This website is provided by the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS). SCAS wants as many people as possible to be able to use the website. On this page it is described how meets the requirements of the Act on the Accessibility of Digital Public Services, any known accessibility issues and how to report any deficiencies to us so that we can resolve them.

How Accessible is the Website?

This website does partially comply with the Act on the Accessibility of Digital Public Services. We are aware that parts of the website are not fully accessible and will do our best to resolve any issues.

What Can You Do if You Cannot Use Parts of the Website?

If you need information from us in another format, please contact us by email:

Report Deficiencies in the Website’s Accessibility

We constantly strive to improve the website’s accessibility. If you come across problems that are not described on this page, or if you believe that it does not meet the requirements of the Act, please let us know so that we are aware that a problem exists. You can reach us by email:


The Agency for Digital Government is responsible for supervision of the Act on the Accessibility of Digital Public Services. If you are not satisfied with our response to your comments, you can inform the Agency for Digital Government External link, opens in new window. of this.

Technical Information about this Website’s Accessibility

This website does partially comply with the Act on the Accessibility of Digital Public Services. The contents that are not accessible are described below.

Contents on That Are Not Accessible

The content described below is in some way not fully accessible:

  • Some content-bearing images lack text alternatives.

  • Some older videos and podcast episodes do not have an alternative presentation of the content (e.g. a script or transcription).

  • Some videos lack audio description alternatives (audio or text).

  • Some pages include text fields that are marked with heading/preamble tags but have no content.

  • Some images contain text.

  • Some pages do not have a logical tab order.

  • Some linked images have no alt text.

  • Some link texts are too general in the context and do not describe the destination of the link thoroughly enough.

  • Some input fields in which the visitor has to enter text have a visible description but no HTML label or aria-labelledby attribute.

  • Some frames and iframes lack valid title attribute values.

  • The contrast ratio may be too low for some links.

  • On some pages, some ID attribute values may be duplicate.

Our ambition is to resolve all remaining accessibility issues as soon as possible.

How We Tested the Website

We have conducted a self-assessment (internal testing) of

The most recent assessment was made on 14 January 2025.