Global Foresight: Publications
Monographs, Peer-reviewed Articles, Chapters and Anthologies
- Flyverbom, Mikkel. The Digital Prism: Transparency and Managed Visibilities in a Datafied World. Cambridge University Press.
- Andersson, Jenny. The Future of the World. Futurology, Futurists and the Struggle for the Post Cold War Imagination. Oxford University Press.
- Garsten, Christina and Adrienne Sörbom. Discreet Power. How the World Economic Forum Shapes Market Agendas. Stanford University Press
- Nyqvist, Anette. Reform and Responsibility in the Remaking of the Swedish National Pension System. Opening the Orange Envelope. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan Books.
- Garsten, Christina, Bo Rothstein and Stefan Svallfors. Makt utan mandat. De policyprofessionella i välfärdssamhället. Stockholm: Dialogos Förlag.
- Nyqvist, Anette. Ombudskapitalisterna. Institutionella ägares röst och roll. Stockholm: Liber.
- Holmes, Douglas R. Economy of Words: Communicative Imperatives in Central Banks. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Peer-reviewed Articles
- Flyverbom, M. 2024. Theorizing data analysis platforms – digital refractions and reconfigurations of pasts, presents and futures.
External link, opens in new window. Information, Communication & Society, 1–15.
- Fisher, M. 2023. Charting the Future of Business and Organizational Ethnography, Journal of Organizational Ethnography, Special 10th Anniversary Issue (Fall/Winter 2021). Pp. 369-80.
- Garsten, Christina and Adrienne Sörbom. 2023. Discreet diplomacy: Practices of secrecy in transnational think tanks, Cambridge Journal of Anthopology, 41:1.
- Holmes, Douglas R. 2023. Quelling Inflation: The Role of the Public, Anthropology Today (Royal Anthropological Institute) Vol. 39(2): 6-11.
- Jennische, U. and Sörbom, A. 2023, Governing anticipation: UNESCO making humankind futures literate,
External link, opens in new window. Journal of Organizational Ethnography, Vol. 12 No. 1, pp. 105-119.
- Maguire, M and Westbrook, D.A. 2023. Anticipation, Social Theory, and the Stories We Tell Ourselves, TELOS: CRITICAL THEORY OF THE CONTEMPORARY Vol. 2023 no. 205: 41-61.
- Garsten, Christina and Adrienne Sörbom. 2022. Future fears: Anticipation and the politics of emotion in the Future Industry
External link, opens in new window., Culture Unbound, 13:3: 26-44.
- Myhre, Knut Christian and Douglas R. Holmes. 2022, “Reframing Welfare: Expectations, Collaboration and Ownership at the World’s Largest Sovereign Wealth-Fund,’ Anthropological Forum: A Journal of
Social Anthropology and Comparative Sociology, Volume 32, 2: 158-180.
- Fisher, Melissa. 2021. “Charting the Future of Business and Organizational Ethnography,” Journal of Organizational Ethnography, Special 10th Anniversary Issue, Fall/Winter 2021, 369-80.
- Garsten, Christina and Adrienne Sörbom. 2021. Discretionary governance: Selection, secrecy and status within the World Economic Forum
External link, opens in new window., Global Governance, 27: 540-560.
- Garsten, Christina. 2021. A window onto Capitol Hill: Cunning conservatism and shadow politics,
External link, opens in new window. Kritisk Etnografi, Swedish Journal of Anthropology, 4(1): 9-23.
- Garsten, Christina and Mikkel Flyverbom. 2021. Anticipation and organization: Seeing, knowing and governing futures,
External link, opens in new window. Organization Theory, 2(3).
- Andersson, J. 2019. No limits. Scenarios and the image of the world market, accepted with minor revisions, Journal of Global History.
- Garsten, Christina and Adrienne Sörbom. 2019. His Master’s Voice? Conceptualizing the relationship between business and the World Economic Forum,
External link, opens in new window.Journal of Business Anthropology, 8(1): 41-62.
- Garsten, Christina and Adrienne Sörbom. 2019. An organized network: World Economic Forum and the partial organizing of global agendas
External link, opens in new window., in Organization outside Organizations: The Abundance of Partial Organization in Social Life, Göran Ahrne and Nils Brunsson, eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 212-234.
- Helles, R. and Flyverbom, M. 2019. Meshes of surveillance, prediction, and infrastructure: On the cultural and commercial consequences of digital platforms, Surveillance & Society 17(1)
- Flyverbom, M. and J. Murray, 2018. Datastructuring: Organizing and curating digital traces into action, Big Data & Society, 5(2).
- Westbrook, David A. and Maguire, Mark. 2018. 'Those People [May Yet Be] a Kind of Solution' Late Imperial Thoughts on the Humanization of Officialdom.
External link, opens in new window. Buffalo Law Review
- Garsten, Christina. 2017. Tinkering with knowledge: Representational practices and scaling in U.S. Think Tanks, In Knowledge and Power in an Overheated World, T. Hylland Eriksen and E. Schober, eds. Oslo: University of Oslo: Department of Social Anthropology.
- Fisher, Melissa. 2016. Building Alternative Feminist Economic Futures: WHEELS. Globalizations. Special issue on a Feminist Global Political Economy of the Everyday, in A. Roberts and J. Elias (eds), online publication March: 1-4.
- Flyverbom, Mikkel. 2016. Big data: Issues for international political sociology (with A. Koed Madsen, E. Ruppert and M. Hilbert). International Political Sociology, 10 (3): 275-296.
- Flyverbom, Mikkel. 2016. The management of visibilities in the digital age. (First editor of introduction to special issue, with P. Leonardi, C. Stohl and M. Stohl). International Journal of Communication, 10:98-109.
- Flyverbom, Mikkel. 2016. Transparency – Mediation and managed visibilities. International Journal of Communication, 10: 110-122.
- Flyverbom, Mikkel. 2016. Representing participation in ICT4D projects (with J.P. Singh). Telecommunications Policy, 40(7): 692-703.
- Garsten, Christina. 2016. Transparency as ideal and practice: Labour market policy and audit culture in the Swedish public employment service (with Kerstin Jacobsson). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 1: 69-92.
- Garsten, Christina and Adrienne Sörbom. 2016. Magical formulae for market futures: Tales from the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Anthropology Today, 32(6): 18-21.
- Holmes, Douglas R. 2016. Public currency: Anthropological labor in central banks. Journal of Cultural Economy. Special Issue: “Pragmatics of Money”, 9(1): 5-26.
- Holmes, Douglas R. 2016. Fascism 2. (Guest Editorial, Anthropology Today), Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 32(2): 1-3.
- Maguire, M., and Peter Fussey. 2016. Sensing evil: Counterterrorism, techno-science, and the cultural reproduction of security, Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology, 75(3): 31-45.
- Fisher, Melissa. 2015. Wall Street women: Saviors of the global economy? Special issue on Critical perspectives on the Globally Mobile Professional and Managerial Class, Critical Perspectives in International Business, 11(2).
- Flyverbom, Mikkel. 2015. The power-transparency nexus: Observational and regularizing control, first author (with H.K. Hansen and L.T. Christensen). Management Communication Quarterly, 29(5): 385-410.
- Flyverbom, Mikkel. 2015. Sunlight in cyberspace: On transparency as a form of ordering. European Journal of Social Theory, 18(2): 168-184.
- Flyverbom, Mikkel. 2015. Introduction to Special Issue: Logics of transparency in late modernity: Paradoxes, mediation and governance (with L.T. Christensen and H.K. Hansen). European Journal of Social Theory, 18(2): 117-131.
- Maguire, Mark. 2015. Speed, time and security: anthropological perspectives on automated border control (with E. Murphy). Etnofoor: Anthropological Journal, 27(2): 157-179.
- Maguire, Mark. 2015. Ontological (in)security and African pentecostalism in Ireland
External link, opens in new window. (with F. Murphy). Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology, 4
- Maguire, Mark. 2015. Global and EU security: forum – rethinking Euro-anthropology. Social Anthropology, 23(3): 354-355.
- Nyqvist, Anette. 2015. Insecurity in an orange envelope. Implications of a reformed national pension system in Sweden. PoLAR, Journal of Political and Legal Anthropology, 38(2): 265-278.
- Nyqvist, Anette. 2015. The corporation performed. Minutes from the rituals of annual general meetings. Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 4(3): 341-355.
- Picard, Sébastien. 2015. Ethics, embodied life and ésprit de corps an ethnographic study with anti-money laundering analysts (with M. Pérezts and E. Faÿ). Organization, 22(2): 217-234.
- Picard, Sébastien. 2015. Compliance or comfort zone? The role of embedded ethics in performing regulation through institutional work (with M. Pérezts). Journal of Business Ethics, 131(4): 833-852.
- Flyverbom, Mikkel. 2014. The politics of transparency and the calibration of knowledge in the digital age (with H.K. Hansen). Organization: 1-18.
- Garsten, Christina. 2014. Introduction: Neoliberal turns in higher education (with Jakob Krause-Jensen). Learning and Teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences. Special issue: Shaping Student Futures, ed. by J. Krause-Jensen and C. Garsten. 7(3): 1-13.
- Holmes, Douglas R. 2014. Communicative Imperatives in Central Banks. Cornell International Law Journal, 47(1): 15-61.
- Westbrook, David A. 2014. Creative Engagements Indeed! Open “Disciplines, The Allure of Others, and Intellectual Fertility". Journal of Business Anthropology, 3(2): 33-48.
- Westbrook, David A. 2014. Ronald Coase. World Economics Association Newsletter, 3.; republished by University of New South Wales Centre for Law, Markets and Regulation (posted Dec. 4, 2013); Laboratorio de Análisis Económico y Social A.C., Debate Económico, 2(3), No. 6 Septiembre-Diciembre 2013: 120-128 (posted March 26, 2014).
- Mikkel Flyverbom; Paul M. Leonardi; Nitzan Navick. 2024. "Digital Forensics: A Guide to Conducting Qualitative Research on Organizational Communication and Digital Technology". In: The Sage Handbook
of Qualitative Research in Organizational Communication. ed. /Boris H. J. M. Brummans; Bryan C. Taylor; Anu Sivunen. London : SAGE Publications, p. 587-606
- Garsten, Christina and Adrienne Sörbom. 2021. Future by design: Seductive technologies of anticipation within the Future Industry, in Futures, Sandra Kemp and Jenny Andersson, eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Holmes, Douglas R. 2021. ‘Money Troubles: Designing a Bridge to the Ephemera of Expectations,’ Designs and Anthropologies, Keith M. Murphy & Eitan Wilf (eds.) Santa Fe: School of American Research Press.
- Holmes, Douglas R. and George E. Marcus. 2021. ‘How Do We Collaborate: An updated Manifesto,’ Collaborative Anthropology Today: A Collection of Exceptions, Dominic Boyer and George Marcus (eds.) Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
- Andersson, J. 2019. The future boardgame, in Futures, a Reader, J. Andersson and S. Kemp, eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Flyverbom, M. and H. Hansen. 2019. Policing and Anticipatory Transparency: On Digital Transformations, Proactive Governance and Logics of Temporality, in Der Transparenz-Imperativ, August V., Osrecki F., eds. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
- Garsten, C. and A. Sörbom. 2019. Future by design: Seductive technologies of anticipation within the future industry, in Futures, a Reader, Andersson, J. and S. Kemp, eds, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Garsten, Christina. 2019. Förförande framtider: antropologiska perspektiv på global styrning, in Om Bo Rothstein – forskaren, debattören, livsnjutaren, Engström, Sven & Hort, Sven, eds. Arkiv Förlag.
- Garsten, Christina, Bo Rothstein and Stefan Svallfors. 2018. De policyprofessionella, in Eliter i Sverige, Eriksson, Bengt-Erik, Mikael Holmqvist and Lena Sohl, eds. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
- Maguire, M. 2018. Policing future crimes, in Bodies of Evidence: Security, Knowledge and Power, Rao, M., U. and N. Zurawski, eds. Durham: Duke University Press.
- Maguire, M. and R. Peterczek. 2018. Airports: From vital systems to nervous systems, in Routledge Handbook of Anthropology and the City, Low, S. M., ed. London and New York: Routledge
- Fisher, Melissa. 2017. White corporate feminine spirituality: The rise of global professional women’s conferences in the New Millennium, in Ethnographies of Conferences and Trade Fairs: Shaping Industries,
Creating Professionals. Høyer Leivestad H. and A. Nyqvist, eds. New York City: Palgrave Macmillan. - Flyverbom, Mikkel. 2017. Policy by numbers - corporate advocacy in the internet domai", in Power, Policy and Profit: Corporate Engagement in Politics and Governance. Garsten, C. and A. Sörbom, eds. Cheltenham,
MA: Edward Elgar. - Garsten, C. 2017. Tinkering with knowledge: Representational practices and scaling in U.S. Think Tanks, in Knowledge and Power in an Overheated World. Hylland Eriksen, T. and E. Schober, eds. Oslo: University of Oslo: Department of Social Anthropology.
- Nyqvist A. 2017. Scheduled schmoozing: Notes on interludal practices at responsible investors’ conferences, in Ethnographies of Conferences and Trade Fairs: Shaping Industries, Creating Professionals. Høyer Leivestad,
H. and A. Nyqvist, eds. Palgrave Macmillan. - Nyqvist, A. 2017. Talking like an institutional investor: On the gentle voice of financial giants, in Power, Policy and Profit: Corporate Engagement in Politics and Governance. Garsten, C. and A. Sörbom, eds. Cheltenham,
MA: Edward Elgar. - Pan, Darcy. 2017. Agents of change or status quo? The survival and development of labor NGOs in South China, in Uncertain Times: Anthropological Approaches to Labor in a Neoliberal World, Durrenberger, P. Boulder: University Press of Colorado
- Picard, Sébastien. 2017. Leading the war on epidemics: Exploring corporations’ predatory modus operandi and their effects on institutional field dynamics (with V. Steyer, X. Phillipe and M. Pérezts), in Power, Policy
and Profit: Corporate Engagement in Politics and Governance. Garsten, C. and A. Sörbom, eds. Cheltenham, MA: Edward Elgar. - Westbrook, David A. 2017. Reflections: Leaving flatland? Planar discourses and the search for the G-axis, in Power, Policy and Profit: Corporate Engagement in Politics and Governance. Garsten, C. and A. Sörbom, eds. Cheltenham, MA: Edward Elgar.
- Westbrook, David A. 2017. Critical issues for qualitative research, in The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research, 5th ed, Denzin, N. and Y. Lincoln, eds. Sage Publications.
- Flyverbom, Mikkel. 2015. Sorting data out – unpacking big data value chains and algorithmic knowledge production (with A.K. Madsen), in Die Gesellschaft der Daten. Über die digitale Transformation der sozialen
Ordnung, Süssenguth. F., ed. Transcript Verlag: Bielefeld. - Maguire, Mark. 2015. Questioned by machines: a cultural perspective on counter-terrorism and lie detection in security zones, in Resisting Biopolitics: Philosophy, Politics and Performance, Wilmer, S. and A. Zukauskaite, eds. London and New York: Routledge.
- Maguire, Mark. 2015. Migrants in the realm of experts: the migration-crime-terrorist nexus after 9-11, in The Securitisation of Migration in the EU: Debates since 9/11, Wadia, K. and G. Lazaridis, eds. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Maguire, Mark. 2014. Counter-terrorism in European airports, in The Anthropology of Security: Perspectives from the Frontline of Policing, Counter-terrorism and Border Control, eds. M. Maguire, C. Frois and N. Zurawski. London and New York: Pluto Books.
- Garsten, Christina and Adrienne Sörbom, eds. 2017. Power, Policy and Profit: Corporate Engagement in Politics and Governance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Garsten, Christina. 2014. Anthropology Now and Next: Essays in Honor of Ulf Hannerz (with Thomas Hylland Eriksen and Shalini Randeria). London: Berghahn Publishers.
- Maguire, Mark. 2014. The Anthropology of Security: Perspectives from the Frontline of Policing, Counterterrorism and Border Control (with C. Frois and N. Zurawski). London and New York: Pluto Press.