Updated: 29 February 2024 (valid for the academic year 2025-26)
General information:
- Fellows receive a monthly salary (see below). The salary, however, is not based on the salaries fellows receive at their home institutions. In other words, the Collegium does not match fellows’ salaries.
- Fellows are employed by Uppsala University and salaries are paid directly to the fellows. All salaries are monthly gross salaries and subject to taxation.
- The Collegium cannot pay for teaching replacements in a fellow’s home institution.
- The Collegium hopes that fellows who have an opportunity to apply for outside support (such as paid leave, partially paid leave, grants) will pursue those possibilities.
- In addition to the monthly salary, the Collegium provides and pays for accommodation for fellows who do not live in the Stockholm–Uppsala region. When possible, the Collegium also tries to offer accommodation to fellows from Stockholm who are not able to commute.
Monthly salaries:
Fellows who are on paid leave or have other resources (such as grants) covering their salaries:
20 000 SEK
Fellows who are on partially paid leave or have other resources (such as grants) covering part of their salaries:
Full Professor:
45 000 SEK
Researcher, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor (and similar positions):
35 000 SEK
Fellows who do not have any outside resources (such as sabbatical salaries or grants):
Full Professor:
60 000 SEK
Researcher, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor (and similar positions):
45 000 SEK
Postdoc (any position containing the term postdoctoral):
35 000 SEK
Fellows who are employed by a Swedish university:
a) A research component is usually included in the work allocation for Professors and Associate Professors. The fellows bring this research component with them to SCAS. This means that the fellows’ universities cover part of the salary and SCAS covers the remaining salary.
b) If no research component is included in the position, SCAS covers the salary.
c) Fellows who have grants that cover salary costs keep their employments and funding at their universities/administrating organisations while they are at SCAS.
d) If the grant covers part of the salary, SCAS covers the remaining salary.
Fellows who are retired:
In most cases, employment will not be possible at SCAS, Uppsala University. This means that fellows who have retired should be prepared to be at SCAS without any salary.