Publications by Principal Christina Garsten
Selected publications
Garsten, C. 2024. Think tanks and the ecology of ideas: Editing futures. In An Ecology if Ideas Permeating Science, Higher Education and Society. S. Arora-Jonsson et al, eds. Uppsala: AUU.
Garsten, Christina and Adrienne Sörbom, 2023. Discreet diplomacy: Practices of secrecy in transnational think tanks External link, opens in new window., Cambridge Journal of Anthropology, 41:1.
Garsten, Christina and Adrienne Sörbom. 2022. Future fears: Anticipation and the politics of emotion in the Future Industry External link, opens in new window., Culture Unbound, 13:3: 26-44. DOI:
Garsten, Christina and Sandra Rekanovic, eds. 2022. Pandemic Ponderings: Fellow Reflections Beyond Corona. Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study. Malmö: Exakta Print. ISBN 978-91-981948-3-8
Garsten, Christina and Adrienne Sörbom. 2021. Discretionary governance: Selection, secrecy and status within the World Economic Forum External link, opens in new window., Global Governance, 27: 540-560.
Garsten, Christina. 2021. A window onto Capitol Hill: Cunning conservatism and shadow politics External link, opens in new window., Kritisk Etnografi, Swedish Journal of Anthropology, 4(1): 9-23.
Garsten, Christina and Mikkel Flyverbom. 2021. Anticipation and organization: Seeing, knowing and governing futures External link, opens in new window., Organization Theory, 2(3)
Garsten, Christina and Adrienne Sörbom. 2021. Future by design: Seductive technologies of anticipation within the Future Industry, in Futures, Sandra Kemp and Jenny Andersson, eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Garsten, Christina. 2019. Förförande framtider: antropologiska perspektiv på global styrning. In Om Bo Rothstein – forskaren, debattören, livsnjutaren, Engström, Sven & Hort, Sven, eds. Arkiv Förlag.
Garsten, Christina and Adrienne Sörbom. 2019. His Master’s Voice? Conceptualizing the relationship between business and the World Economic Forum External link, opens in new window., Journal of Business Anthropology, 8(1): 41-62.
Garsten, Christina and Adrienne Sörbom. 2019. An organized network: World Economic Forum and the partial organizing of global agendas External link, opens in new window., in Organization outside Organizations: The Abundance of Partial Organization in Social Life, Göran Ahrne and Nils Brunsson, eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 212-234.
Garsten, Christina and Adrienne Sörbom.2018. Discreet Power: How the World Economic Forum Shapes Market Agendas. Stanford University Press. ISBN 9781503606043
Garsten, Christina, Bo Rothstein and Stefan Svallfors. 2018. ”De policyprofessionella.” In Eliter i Sverige, Eriksson, Bengt-Erik, Mikael Holmqvist and Lena Sohl, eds. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Jacobsson, Kerstin, Katarina Hollertz and Christina Garsten. 2017. Local Worlds of Activation: The Diverse Pathways of Three Swedish Municipalities External link, opens in new window., Nordic Social Work Research, 7(2), 86-100.
Garsten, Christina and Adrienne Sörbom, eds.2017. Power, Policy and Profit: Corporate Engagement in Politics and Governance. Basingstoke: Edward Elgar.
Garsten, Christina and Adrienne Sörbom. 2017. Small places, big stakes: ‘Meetings’ as moments of ethnographic momentum, in Meeting Ethnography, Jen Sandler and Renita Thedvall, eds. Bastingstoke: Edward Elgar.
Garsten, Christina. 2017. Tinkering with knowledge: Representational practices and scaling in U.S. Think Tanks, In Knowledge and Power in an Overheated World, T. Hylland Eriksen and E. Schober, eds. Oslo: University of Oslo: Department of Social Anthropology.
Garsten, Christina, w. Adrienne Sörbom. 2016. Magical formulae for market futures: Tales from the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Anthropology Today, 32(6): 18-21.
Garsten, Christina. 2016. Transparency as ideal and practice: Labour market policy and audit culture in the Swedish public employment service External link, opens in new window. (with Kerstin Jacobsson). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 1: 69-92.
Garsten, Christina, Katarina Hollertz and Kerstin Jacobsson. 2016. Negotiating social citizenship at street-level: Local activation policies and individualization in Sweden and Poland, in Integrating Social and Employment Policies in Europe: Active Inclusion and Challenges for Local Welfare Governance, Martin Heidenreich and Deborah Rice, eds. Bastingstoke: Edward Elgar, 265-294.
Garsten, Christina 2015. De policyprofessionella och demokratins framtid. Rapport till 2014 års Demokratiutredning. (Report to the Government Commission on Democracy, Låt fler forma framtiden!) SOU 2015.96.
Garsten, Christina, Bo Rothstein and Stefan Svallfors. 2015. Makt utan mandat. De policyprofessionella i välfärdssamhället. Stockholm: Dialogos Förlag.
Garsten, Christina, Jessica Lindvert and Renita Thedvall. 2015. Makeshift Work: The Swedish Model in the Post-Financial Crisis Era. Bastingstoke: Edward Elgar.
Krause-Jensen, Jakob and Christina Garsten. 2014. Introduction: Neoliberal turns in higher education, Learning and Teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences. Special issue: Shaping Student Futures, ed. by Krause-Jensen and Garsten.
Garsten, Christina. 2015. Flexibility frictions: Varieties of employee orientation to work in the temporary staffing industry. In Flexible Capitalism, Jens Kjaerulff, ed. London: Berghahn Publishers.
Eriksen Thomas Hylland, Christina Garsten and Shalini Randeria, eds. 2014. Anthropology Now and Next: Diversity, Connections, Confrontations, Reflexivity. London: Berghahn Publishers.
Garsten, Christina. 2014. ‘Score: Organizing the public sector – a research (ad)venture’. Text for the Jubilee of the Faculty of Social Sciences. Stockholms universitet.
Garsten, Christina. 2014. Arbetslivets globala normer. In Det globaliserade arbetslivet, Erik Amnå, ed. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Garsten, Christina. 2014. På spaning i staten: antropologiska utblickar. In Demokrati och förvaltning: En festskrift till Rune Premfors. Stockholm: Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research.
Garsten, Christina and Adrienne Sörbom. 2014. Högt spel i gränslandet mellan politik och marknad. In Alla dessa marknader, Jenny Björkman and Björn Fjæstad, eds. Riksbankens Jubileumsfonds årsbok 2014/15. Stockholm: Makadam förlag.
Garsten, Christina and Adrienne Sörbom. 2014. Values aligned: The organization of conflicting values within the World Economic Forum. In Configuring Value Conflicts in Markets. Alexius, Susanna and Kristina Tamm-Hallström, eds. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Koene, Bas, Christina Garsten and Nathalie Galais, eds. 2014. Management and Organization of Temporary Agency Work. London: Routledge.
Garsten, Christina and Kerstin Jacobsson. 2013. Sorting people in and out: The plasticity of the categories of employability, work capacity and disability as technologies of government. Ephemera, 13(4): 825-850.
Garsten, Christina and Anette Nyqvist, eds. 2013. Organisational Anthropology: Doing Ethnography In and Among Complex Organisations. London: Pluto Press.
Fleming, Peter, John Roberts and Christina Garsten. 2013. In search of corporate social responsibility: Introduction to special issue. Organization, 20(3): 337-348. Guest editing of the special issue.
Garsten, Christina and Hervé Laroche. 2013. Humor, l’ennuie et sexe au travail dans L’Office: émotions et organisation. In Les grands inspirateurs des théories des organisations. Germain, Olivier, ed. Paris: EMS.
Garsten, Christina and Kerstin Jacobsson. 2013. Post-political regulation: Illusory consensus and hybrid forms of governance External link, opens in new window.. Critical Sociology, 39(3): 421-437, published online 22 June 2012.
Moeran, Brian and Christina Garsten. 2013. Business Anthropology: Towards an anthropology of worth? Journal of Business Anthropology, 2(1): 1-8.
Moeran, Brian and Christina Garsten. 2012. Letter from the Editors, Journal of Business Anthropology, 1(2): 174-176.
Moeran, Brian and Christina Garsten. 2012. What’s in a Name? - Editors’ Introduction to the Journal of Business Anthropology, Journal of Business Anthropology, 1(1): 1-19.
Garsten, Christina. 2012. Corporate social responsibility and cultural practices in globalizing markets. In A Companion to the Anthropology of Europe. Kockel, Ullrich, Mairead Nic Craith and Jonas Frykman, eds. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
Garsten, Christina. 2012. Arbetets nya marknad: konkurrens, mätbarhet och globalisering. In Rapport från konferensen Det globaliserade arbetslivet, ed S. Seifarth. Norrköping: Arbetets Museum.
Garsten, Christina and Kerstin Jacobsson. 2011. Transparency and legibility in international institutions: The UN Global Compact and post-political global ethics. Social Anthropology, 19(4): 378-393.
Garsten, Christina, Jessica Lindvert and Renita Thedvall, eds. 2011. Arbetets marknad: Arbetsmarknadens nya organisering. [The job market: New forms of organizing in the labour market]. Malmö: Liber.
Garsten, Christina. 2011. Recherche qualitative dans les organisations: Éléments méthodologiques. Le Libellio d’ AEGIS, 7(2): 1-13.
Dolan, Cahterine, Christina Garsten and Dinah Rajak, eds. 2011. Focaal, special issue on CSR.
Garsten, Christina. 2011. Book review: Flexible Firm: The design of culture at Bang & Olufsen. Jakob Krause-Jensen. Social Anthropology.
Garsten, Christina. 2010. Ethnography at the interface: ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ as an anthropological field of enquiry. In Ethnographic Practice in the Present. M. Melhuus, J. Mitchell & H. Wulff, eds. Oxford: Berghahn.
Garsten, Christina and Tor Hernes, eds. 2009. Ethical Dilemmas in Management. London: Routledge.
Boström, Magnus and Christina Garsten, eds. 2008. Organizing Transnational Accountability. London: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Garsten, Christina. 2008. Anthropology. In International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies, Volume one, Stewart Clegg, ed. London: Sage.
Garsten, Christina and Tor Hernes. 2008. Beyond CSR: Dilemmas and paradoxes of ethical conduct in transnational organizations. In Economics and Morality, Kate Brown and Lynne Milgram, eds. Altamira Press.
Garsten, Christina. 2008. Workplace Vagabonds: Career and Community in Changing Worlds of Work. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Garsten, Christina and Monica Lindh de Montoya, eds. 2008. Transparency in a New Global Order. Basingstoke: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Garsten, Christina, with Irène Béllier and Birgit Müller. 2008 Global swirl: Some reflections on European organizing in the context of globalization. Paper presented at the seminar Anthropological Perspectives in a Changing Europe: Bringing People In. Florens, 23-24 oktober 2008. European Commission, European
Research Area.
Garsten, Christina and Kerstin Jacobsson. 2007. Corporate globalization, civil society and postpolitical regulation: Whither democracy? Development Dialogue, 49:143-158.
Garsten, Christina. 2007. Ethnography. In The Principles of Knowledge Creation Methods, Bengt Gustavsson, ed. London: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bergström, Ola and Christina Garsten. 2007. Det nya arbetets tid och plats. In Organisation: teorier om ordning och oordning. Dan Kärreman and Alf Rehn, eds. Malmö: Liber.
Garsten, Christina. 2007. Mirrors of organizing: plots, anxieties, and potentialities in the work of Henrik Ibsen. Organization Studies 28(8); 1271 - 1277.
Garsten, Christina, Niklas Jambrén, Jessica Lindvert, and Renita Thedvall. 2006. From Employability to the Development of Workers’ Capabilities. Mobility, Learning and Responsibility in Swedish Worklife. National Report to the European Commission from the project EUROCAP (Social Dialogue, Empowerment and
Territories. Towards a European Politics of Capabilities). Stockholm, Score: February 2006.
Garsten, Christina and Staffan Furusten. 2005. ‘New’- professionalism: conditions for expertise in management consulting and temporary administrative staffing. In Dealing with Confidence. S. Furusten and A. Werr, eds. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business Press.
Garsten, Christina. 2005. Globalt socialt ansvar och kollektiva nyttigheter. Vad kan civilsamhället göra? [Global social responsibility and collective goods. What can civil society do?] In Civilsamhället, Några forskningsfrågor [Civil society, Some research questions], E. Amnå, ed. Gidlunds förlag.
Garsten, Christina and Monica Lindh de Montoya, eds. 2004. Market Matters: Exploring Cultural Processes in the Global Marketplace. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Garsten, Christina and Kerstin Jacobsson, eds. 2004. Learning to be Employable: New Agendas on Work, Employability and Learning in a Globalizing World. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Garsten, Christina and Anna Hasselström. 2004. Risky business: Discourses of risk and (ir)responsibility in globalizing markets. Ethnos, 68(2): 249-270.
Garsten, Christina. 2004. The Cosmopolitan Organization: An essay on corporate accountability. Global Networks, 3 (3): 355-370.
Garsten, Christina. 2004. Global Compact Research Report, Sweden. Stockholm: SWECORP Citizenship AB and Score (Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research).
Garsten, Christina and Helena Wulff, eds. 2004. New Technologies at Work: People, Screens, and Social Virtuality. Oxford: Berg.
Garsten, Christina and Miriam Salzer Mörling. 2004. Introduktion: Jakten på identiteter. Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier, 2. Special issue on Identity, Christina Garsten and Miriam Salzer Mörling, eds.
Garsten, Christina and Kerstin Sundman, eds. 2004. Moderna människor: Antropologiska perspektiv på samtiden. Malmö: Liber.
Garsten, Christina. 2004. Colleague, competitor, or client: Social boundaries in flexible work arrangements. In Managing Boundaries in Organizations: Multiple Perspectives. N. Paulsen and T. Hernes, eds. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Garsten, Christina. 2004. Etnografi. In Kunskapande metoder i samhällsvetenskapen. B. Gustavsson, ed. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Garsten, Christina. 2002. Flex Fads: New economy, new employees. In Stuck in the Future: Tracing the ‘New Economy’. I. Holmberg, M. Salzer-Mörling and L. Strannegård, eds. Book House Publishing.
Grey, Chris and Christina Garsten. 2002. Organized and disorganized Utopias: An essay on presumption. In Utopia, Ideology and Organization. M. Parker, ed. Oxford: Blackwell.
Garsten, Christina and Chris Grey. 2001. Trust, control and post-bureaucracy. Organization Studies, 22(2): 229-250.
Garsten, Christina. Play at work: Contested frames of hacking. Focaal, nr 37: 89-101.
Garsten, Christina. Bland ’äpplen’ och ’änglar’ i translokala organisationer. In Flera fält i ett. U. Hannerz, ed. Stockholm: Carlssons.
Ahrne, Göran, Nils Brunsson and Christina Garsten. 2000. Standardizing through organization. In A World of Standards. N. Brunsson and B. Jacobsson, eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Garsten, Christina and Jan Turtinen. 2000. ’Angels’ and ’chameleons’: The cultural construction of the flexible temporary employee in Sweden and the UK. In After Full Employment. European Discourses on Work and Flexibility. B. Stråth, ed. Brussels: Peter Lang.
Garsten, Christina. 1999. Betwixt and between: Temporary employees as liminal subjects in flexible organizations. Organization Studies, 20(4).
Garsten, Christina. 1999. Loose links and tight attachments: Modes of employment and meaning-making in a changing labor market. In Modern Organisations and Emerging Conundrums. R. Goodman, ed. New Lexington
Garsten, Christina. 1998. The reflective organization – A new path for corporate culture? Procedo. The Gambro Management Magazine, 1.
Brunsson, Nils, Göran Ahrne and Christina Garsten. 1998. Standardisering genom organisering. In Standardisering. N. Brunsson och B. Jacobsson, eds., Stockholm: Nerenius & Santérus Förlag.
Ahrne, Göran and Christina Garsten. 1998. Stat och företag som arbetsförmedlare. In Stater som organisationer. G. Ahrne, ed. Stockholm: Nerenius & Santérus Förlag.
Garsten, Christina and Chris Grey. 1997. How to become oneself. Discourses of subjectivity in postbureaucratic organizations. Organization, 4(2): 211-228.
Garsten, Christina. 1997. The double-dealing of rhetoric - an anthropological perspective on the dynamics of organizing in the Swedish public sector. In State, Market and Organizational Form. A. Bugra and B. Üsdiken, eds. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Garsten, Christina. 1994. Apple World: Core and Periphery in a Transnational Organizational Culture. Doctoral dissertation. Stockholm Studies in Social Anthropology, 33. Stockholm: Department of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University. (Awarded with prize for “Most distinguished doctoral thesis” at the
Faculty of Social Sciences, Stockholm University 1994).
Garsten, Christina. 1993. Outlining the Organization: Creating culture across boundaries. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, Band 116.
This information is accurate as of the academic year 2024-25