Recent Publications

Publications by Fellows of the SCAS community appear regularly. Some have been started, worked on, or completed by Fellows during their residency at the Collegium (marked as *SCAS book below), while others have no specific connection to the Collegium, but are the result of hard work by current or former Fellows. Below you can find some of the recent books that are available (published in 2023–25). As of 2025, also articles/book chapters will be included below. The Fellows are listed in alphabetical order.


Photo of the author and cover of the journal

"What is the Role of Creative Industries in the Anthropocene? An Argument for Planetary Cultural Policy" External link, opens in new window.

Christiaan De Beukelaer (with Miikka Pyykkönen)
(in Poetics, Vol. 109, forthcoming 2025)

Global Horizons Senior Fellow, 2024-25

Photo of the author and cover of the book

Bliss Mountain External link, opens in new window.

Aashish Kaul

(Finishing Line Press, forthcoming 2025)

Short-term Researcher, Spring 2022
*SCAS book


Photo of Christina Garsten

Sites of Statelessness: Laws, Cities, Seas External link.

Ayşe Çağlar (with Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaudhury and Ranabir Samaddar, eds.)
(SUNY Press, 2024)

Fellow, 2024-25

Cover of the book and photo of the author

Europa i dag: Likheter och skillnader mellan länderna på vår kontinent External link, opens in new window.

Fredrik Charpentier Ljungqvist
(Dialogos Förlag, 2024)

Former Pro Futura Scientia Fellow
In residence: 2019-20

Cover of the book and photo of the author
Cover of the book and photo of the author

Vagabond Princess: The Great Adventures of Gulbadan External link, opens in new window.

Ruby Lal
(Yale University Press, 2024)

Fellow, 2020-21
*SCAS book

Cover of the book and photo of the author

Indo-European Interfaces: Integrating Linguistics, Mythology and Archaeology External link, opens in new window.

Jenny Larsson (with Thomas Olander and Anders Richardt Jørgensen, eds.)
(Stockholm University Press, 2024)

Fellow, Autumn 2018.

Photo of the author and cover of the book

Writing a Political Life: On the Challenging Relationship Between Biography
and History

Fredrik Logevall
(Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, 2024)

Fellow, Autumn 2022
*SCAS book/The Wittrock Lecture Book Series, no. 5

Cover of the book and photo of the author

The Last of Its Kind: The Search for the Great Auk and the Discovery of Extinction External link, opens in new window.

Gísli Pálsson
(Princeton University Press, 2024)

Fellow, Autumn 1995 & Spring 2023

Cover of the book and photo of the author

Audit Culture: How Indicators and Rankings are Reshaping the World

Cris Shore (with Susan Wright)
(Pluto Press, 2024)

Global Horizons Senior Fellow, 2021-22
*SCAS book

Cover of the book and photo of the author

Snö – En historia External link, opens in new window.

Sverker Sörlin
(Volante, 2024)

Non-resident Long-term Fellow
In residence: 2022-23

Photo of the author and cover of the book

Chronicles of a Global City: Speculative Lives and Unsettled Futures in Bengaluru External link, opens in new window.

Carol Upadhya (with Vinay Gidwani and Michael Goldman, eds.)
(University of Minnesota Press, 2024)

Fellow, Spring 2023
*SCAS book

Photo of the author and cover of the book

Emblems in the Free Imperial City: Emblems, Empire, and Identity in Early Modern Nürnberg External link, opens in new window.

Mara R. Wade (with Christopher D. Fletcher and Andrew C. Schwenk, eds.)
(Brill, 2024)

Fellow, Spring 2023

Photo of Björn Wittrock

My Father's Wars: Migration, Memory, and the Violence of a Century External link, opens in new window.

Alisse Waterston
(Routledge, 2024)

Non-resident Long-term Fellow
In residence: Spring 2022 & Spring 2025

Photo of the author and cover of the book

Metamorphoses: In Search of Franz Kafka External link, opens in new window.

Karolina Watroba

(Profile Books, 2024)

Fellow, 2024-25

Cover of the book and photo of the author

Zainab’s Traffic: Moving Saints, Selves, and Others across Borders External link, opens in new window.

Emrah Yıldız

(University of California Press, 2024)

Global Horizons Junior Fellow, 2024-25

Cover of the book and photo of the author

The History of Knowledge External link, opens in new window.

Johan Östling
(with David Larsson Heidenblad)
(Cambridge University Press, 2024)

Former Pro Futura Scientia Fellow
In residence: Spring 2013 & Autumn 2014

Cover of the book and photo of the author

Kunskapens stora hus : huvudlinjer i universitetets historia External link, opens in new window.

Johan Östling

(Makadam förlag, 2024)

Former Pro Futura Scientia Fellow
In residence: Spring 2013 & Autumn 2014


Cover of the book

After Nativism: Belonging in an Age of Intolerance External link, opens in new window.

Ash Amin
(Wiley, 2023)

Fellow, Spring 1999 & Spring 2011
Current Member, Academic Senate

Photo of the author and cover of the book

Colonisations. Notre Histoire External link, opens in new window.

Arthur Asseraf (with Guillaume Blanc, Yala Kisukidi, Mélanie Lamotte and Pierre Singaravélou, coordinators)
(Seuil, 2023)

Former Pro Futura Scientia Fellow
In residence: 2023-24

Photo of the author and cover of the book

Jean Cras, Polymath of Music and Letters External link. (Second edition)

Paul-André Bempéchat
(Peter Lang, 2023)

Artist-in-Residence, Spring 2023

Photo of the author and cover of the book

Trade Winds: A Voyage to a Sustainable Future for Shipping External link, opens in new window.

Christiaan De Beukelaer

(Manchester University Press, 2023)

Global Horizons Senior Fellow, 2024-25.

Cover of the book

Life in Groups: How We Think, Feel, and Act Together External link, opens in new window.

Margaret Gilbert
(Oxford University Press, 2023)

Fellow, Spring 2004

Photo of the author and cover of the book

Au cœur des empires: Destins individuels et logiques impériales, XVIe-XXIe siècle External link, opens in new window.

Mathieu Grenet (with Sophie Dulucq, François Godicheau, Sébastien Rozeaux, and Modesta Suárez, eds.)
(CNRS Éditions, 2023)

Fellow, 2022-23
*SCAS book

Photo of the author and cover of the book

Méditerranées. Une histoire des mobilités humaines (1492-1750) External link, opens in new window.

Mathieu Grenet (with Guillaume Calafat)
(Points, 2023)

Fellow, 2022-23
*SCAS book

Cover of the book

The Poverty of Strategy: Organization in the Shadows of Technology External link, opens in new window.

Robin Holt (with Mike Zundel)
(Cambridge University Press, 2023)

Guest of the Principal, Autumn 2021
*SCAS book

Photo of the author and cover of the book

The Making of the Good Person: Self-Help, Ethics and Philosophy External link, opens in new window.

Nora Hämäläinen
(Routledge, 2023)

Erik Allardt Fellow, 2016-17
*SCAS book

Cover of the book and photo of the author

Moral Change and the Ambiguity of Religions: Christianity Between Racism and the Struggle Against It

Hans Joas
(Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, 2023)

Former Non-resident Long-term Fellow.
In residence: Spring 1992, 1999-2000, 2004-05 & Spring 2010
*SCAS book/The Wittrock Lecture Book Series, no. 3

Photo of the author and cover of the book

The Turn of Rhythm: How Victorian Poetry Shaped a New Concept External link, opens in new window.

Ewan Jones
(University of Virginia Press, 2023)

Fellow, 2019-20
*SCAS book

Cover of the book and photo of the author

Spór o Biblię. Żydowskie tradycje, heterodoksje i polemiki: od Świątyni przez Talmud do współczesności

Isaac Kalimi
(Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 2023)

Fellow, 2014-15

Cover of the book and photo of the author

The Book of Esther between Judaism and Christianity External link, opens in new window.

Isaac Kalimi
(Cambridge University Press, 2023)

Fellow, 2014-15

Cover of the book and photo of the author

From Chinese Cosmology to English Romanticism: The Intricate Journey of a Monistic Idea External link, opens in new window.

Yu Liu
(The University of South Carolina Press, 2023)

Fellow, Spring 2018
*SCAS book

Photo of the author and cover of the book

Coptica fennica: Catalog of the Coptic Manuscripts from the Ilves Collection Exhibited at the National Archives of Finland (16 June - 14 August 2020) External link, opens in new window.

Ivan Miroshnikov (with Antti Marjanen and Erja Salmenkivi, eds.)
(Peeters Publishers, 2023)

Pro Futura Scientia Fellow
In residence: 2020-21 & Autumn 2021

Photo of the author and cover of the book

Parabiblica Coptica External link, opens in new window.

Ivan Miroshnikov (ed.)
(Mohr Siebeck, 2023)

Pro Futura Scientia Fellow
In residence: 2020-21 & Autumn 2021

Cover of the book and photo of the author

Andean Meltdown: A Climate Ethnography of Water, Power, and Culture in Peru External link, opens in new window.

Karsten Paerregaard
(University of California Press, 2023)

Global Horizons Senior Fellow, 2020-21
*SCAS book

Cover of the book

Peerless among Princes: The Life and Times of Sultan Süleyman External link, opens in new window.

Kaya Şahin
(Oxford University Press, 2023)

Fellow, 2020-21
*SCAS book

Photo of the author and cover of the book
Cover of the book

Dilemmat i Kiev/Entscheidung in Kiew External link, opens in new window.

Karl Schlögel
(Bokförlaget Stolpe, 2023/Hanser Verlag, 2015, rev. ed. 2022)

Fellow, 2006-07

Cover of the book and photo of the author

Framtidslandet External link, opens in new window.

Sverker Sörlin
(Teg Publishing, 2023)

Non-resident Long-term Fellow
In residence: 2022-23.

Photo of the author and cover of the book

Media Backends: Digital Infrastructures and Sociotechnical Relations External link, opens in new window.

Julia Velkova
(with Lisa Parks and Sander de Ridder, eds.)
(University of Illinois Press, 2023)

Pro Futura Scientia Fellow

Cover of the book and photo of the author

Orthographic Traditions and the Sub-elite in the Roman Empire External link, opens in new window.

Nicholas Zair

(Cambridge University Press, 2023)

Former Pro Futura Scientia Fellow
In residence: 2020-21
*SCAS book