Photo credits:
Danish Saroee

Linda Wedlin

Short-term Visiting Scholar, the Global Horizons Programme, SCAS.
Professor of Business Studies, Uppsala University

Linda Wedlin is Professor of Business Studies at Uppsala University. She works on issues of regu-
lation, governance and organizing of higher education and research, as well as issues of global gover-
nance and social change. Her work includes a recent project on the organizing of Swedish universities
and an ongoing project on the development of new forms of administrative practices in public sector
organizations. She has a particular interest in soft regulations, metrics and rankings. Publications include
Towards European Science: Dynamics and Policy of an Evolving European Research Space
(2015, with
Maria Nedeva)and Ranking Business Schools. Forming Fields, Identities and Boundaries in International
Management Education

This information is accurate as of the academic year 2021-22.