Aryo Makko

Pro Futura Scientia Fellow, SCAS.
Professor of History, Stockholm University

Aryo Makko received his Ph.D. in History from Stockholm University in 2012. He has held
visiting posts at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva,
the University of Oxford and Harvard University. In 2016, he was appointed Associate Professor
(docent) at Stockholm University. In 2020, he was appointed Professor at the same university.
He was the first historian to be elected to the Young Academy of Sweden (2017).

Makko’s main fields of research include nineteenth- and twentieth-century international history
as well as nationalism, migration and diaspora among Middle Eastern minorities. His first mono-
graph, Ambassadors of Realpolitik: Sweden, the CSCE, and the Cold War, was published by
Berghahn in 2016 (paperback 2019). His second monograph, European Small States and the Role
of Consuls in the Age of Empire,
was published by Brill in 2019.  

As a Pro Futura Scientia XI Fellow, Makko is carrying out a research project entitled ‘Neutrality
and the Kremlin: A Transnational History’ and completing an edited volume on European neutrality
and the Soviet Union for the Harvard Cold War Studies Book Series (with Mark Kramer and Peter
Ruggenthaler). Makko was a Visiting Scholar at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and the
Institut für Zeitgeschichte München-Berlin during the academic year 2020-21.

Aryo Makko is in residence at the Collegium in the autumn of 2021.
This information is accurate as of the academic year 2021-22.