SCAS News - 19 May, 2021

News from the SCAS Community: Publications

Publications by Fellows of the SCAS community appear regularly. Some of them have been initiated,
worked on and/or finished by Fellows during their time in residence at the Collegium, whereas others
don't have a specific connection to the Collegium but nevertheless are the result of hard work by a
current or former Fellow. Below you will find some of the recent publications available.

Geschichte der Sklaverei. Von der Antike bis ins 21. Jahrhundert
Andreas Eckert
(C.H. Beck, 2021)

Andreas Eckert was Guest of the Principal and in residence at SCAS in the
spring of 2017.

Cosmography and the Idea of Hyperborea in Ancient Greece. A Philology of

Renaud Gagné
(Cambridge University Press, 2021)

Renaud Gagné is a former SCAS Pro Futura Scientia Fellow. He was in
residence at the Collegium in the academic year 2016-17 and worked on
this book during his time as a SCAS Fellow.

Les dieux d’Homère II – Anthropomorphismes
Renaud Gagné (with Miguel Herrero de Jáuregui, eds.)
(Kernos, 2019)

Renaud Gagné is a former Pro Futura Scientia Fellow, who was in residence
at SCAS in the academic year 2016-17. He worked on this book during his
time as a Pro Futura Fellow.

Controlling Corruption: The Social Contract Approach
Bo Rothstein
(Oxford University Press, 2021)

Bo Rothstein was a Fellow at SCAS in the autumn semester of 1991.

Gudomliga komedier: Humor, subjektivitet, transcendens. Volym 1: Antiken
till renässansen

Gudomliga komedier: Humor, subjektivitet, transcendens. Volym 2: Tysk

Gudomliga komedier: Humor, subjektivitet, transcendens. Volym 3: Kritik
av den existentiella humorn

Ola Sigurdson
(Glänta, 2021)

Ola Sigurdson is a former SCAS Pro Futura Scientia Fellow, who was in residence
at the Collegium in the spring of 2000. He has also been a Member of the SCAS
National Board.