SCAS News - 19 April, 2023
SCAS Announces New Fellows for the Academic Year 2023-24 (9)
Today, we are pleased to present two more scholars who will be Fellows in residence
at the Collegium
during the next academic year (2023-24).
Further names will be announced throughout the spring term.
Click here to see a list of all the Fellows who have been presented as of today (the list will be updated
with further announcements).
Ruben Andersson is Professor of Social Anthropology at University of Oxford’s
Department of International Development, where his research focuses on migration,
borders and security, specifically on the West African Sahel and southern Europe. In
No Go World: How Fear is Redrawing our Maps and Infecting our Politics (U of
California P, 2019), he examines remote-controlled interventions and the selective
withdrawal of international actors from global “crisis zones”, studying conflicts
in Mali, Somalia, Libya and Afghanistan. At SCAS during the academic year 2023–24,
as a Senior Global Horizons Fellow, Professor Andersson will work on a project on global
security agendas
entitled “Apocalypse soon: security, subversion and the struggle for a human future”, funded
by a Leverhulme
Major Research Fellowship.
Dr. habil. Dieter Plehwe is a Senior Research Fellow at the Berlin Social Science
Research Center (WZB), Germany. His research covers themes such as transnational
varieties of capitalism and neoliberalism, regional integration, internationalization of
corporations, industrial relations and cultural political economy. He has previously
held research fellowships and teaching positions at Yale University, New York Uni-
versity, Vienna University and Harvard University and is currently a forum edito
r of the journal Critical Policy Studies. Dr. Plehwe will be a Residential Senior
Global Horizons Fellow at SCAS during the academic year of 2023–24.