SCAS News - 31 May, 2023

SCAS Presents the Pro Futura Scientia XVIII Fellows

The Swedish Collegium is today pleased to announce the next generation of scholars who have
been admitted to the prestigious Pro Futura Scientia programme.Within the framework of the
programme, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ) is funding five promising researchers with a total
grant of 30 million SEK.

The programme, which was founded by SCAS and RJ in 1999, is a cutting-edge research pro-
gramme in the humanities and social sciences in which talented early-career scholars are offered
optimal research conditions and the chance to pursue curiosity-driven research during a five-year
period. A one (to one and a half) year stint at SCAS and a year abroad are included in the programme.

It is not possible to apply to the programme, but admittance is strictly based upon nominations by
Swedish universities only. In the course of the programme scholars are offered a tenured position
at the nominating university.

In the 2023 round of admissions, a total of 21 researchers were nominated by 13 universities. The
selection procedure is handled by an international committee organized and run by RJ.

Those who have now been appointed Pro Futura Scientia XVIII Fellows are:
(listed in alphabetical order)

Moa Lidén, Uppsala University
Research project: Evidence-Based Criminal Law (EB-CRIME)

Chakad Ojani, Stockholm University
Research project: Oceans in the Sky: Conservation, Infrastructure and Ecologies of Fog Capture
in Costal Peru

Olle Risberg, Uppsala University
Research project: Matters of Degree. Toward an Understanding of Gradable Normative Properties

Ylwa Sjölin Wirling, University of Gothenburg
Research project: Between Knowledge and Ignorance: Epistemic Possibilities in Inquiry

Jack Wright, University of Gothenburg
Research project: Reconsidering Social Demarcation (ReSocial)

The Pro Futura Scientia programme was initiated in 1999 by the Swedish Collegium for Advanced
Study (SCAS) and Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ). Thanks to the carefully designed structure of
the programme, talented scholars are given optimal scope for developing as researchers, over several
years and in stimulating environments, and it has thus proved to be an attractive career path.

The programme attracts promising young scholars not only from Sweden, but also from abroad. An
increasing number of researchers from the international arena enter the Swedish university and research
system this way. The important role that the programme has come to play in the Swedish academic
system over the years is shown through the large number of current or former Pro Futura researchers
who have taken up distinguished professorships, and/or have been elected members of scholarly academies
and societies and joined research councils and key bodies at universities.

Read more:
Pro Futura Scientia History and Mission >>
Nominations and Selections >>
Pro Futura Scientia Fellows (1999 - present) >>
Press release from Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (in Swedish) >>